Starting Pass Detector
Reads tracks of the detected persons from a JSON topic, and detects crosses on predefined passlines.
It is assumed that Multi-Graph Runner (MGR) and Tracker is running, because tracking records are necessary input. For more information on running MGR and Tracker, see Starting Multi-Graph Runner and Starting Tracker.
Path of the configuration file:
By default, the configuration contains two perpendicular passlines in the middle of the image, optimized for resolution 1920x1080.
Set different coordinates of passlines by changing the configuration. For more information on Pass Detector configuration, see Configuring Pass Detector.
Required input topic:
Note: Not available for multiple input streams. This microservice can only process one input.
Starting the Pass Detector service
To start Pass Detector:
Run the microservice:
Attention! Before starting this microservice, the command below silently stops and removes the Docker container named
, if such already exists.$ "${UVAP_HOME}"/scripts/ -- --net=uvap
The output of the above command contains the following:
- Information about pulling the required Docker image
- The ID of the Docker container created
- The name of the Docker container created:
There are more optional parameters for the
script to override defaults. Use the--help
parameter to get more details.Wait for approximately 30 seconds, then check if the containers are still running:
$ docker container inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' uvap_kafka_passdet
Expected output:
Check the output:
$ docker exec kafka kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \ --topic
Expected example output:
{"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"PASS_CANDIDATE","pass_candidate":{"pass":{"id":{"track_key":"1566822226487_2826","serial":0},"pass_line_id":"y","cross_dir":"RL","section_idx":0,"cross_point":{"x":960,"y":103}},"is_extrapolated":false}} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"PASS_CANDIDATE","pass_candidate":{"pass":{"id":{"track_key":"1566822226487_2826","serial":1},"pass_line_id":"y","cross_dir":"LR","section_idx":0,"cross_point":{"x":960,"y":227}},"is_extrapolated":false}} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"END_OF_TRACK","end_of_track":{"track_key":"1566822226487_2826"}} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"END_OF_TRACK","end_of_track":{"track_key":"1566822246986_2828"}} {"type":"END_OF_TRACK","end_of_track":{"track_key":"1566822247352_2829"}} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"} {"type":"HEARTBEAT"}
The following output topic is created: