Terms and Definitions
Docker Docker® is a platform for creating and running standardized application images in a containerized environment.
Docker Container Docker containers are running instances of an application image. Each microservice has a dedicated container that needs to run to start the microservice.
Feature Vector A feature vector is a vector that contains information describing an object's important characteristics. In UVAP a feature vector is typically a data representation of the recognizable facial or body properties of a person.
Feature Vector Cluster A group of feature vectors, associated to the same person based on similarity. Often simply referred to as "cluster".
Kafka Apache Kafka® is a community distributed event streaming platform used in UVAP to process live or pre-recorded video footage in an abstract data stream format.
Kafka Topic
A Kafka topic is an abstract data stream representig a sequence of events
usually accessable in .json
file format in UVAP. In the UVAP documentation
often simply referred to as "topics".
Kafka topics are used as input and output channels for UVAP microservices.
Skeleton The position of a persons head, body, limbs and joints represented by a simplified group of lines on a video frame.
APT Advanced Package Tool
FPS Frames per Second
I/O Input/Output
MGR Multi-Graph Runner
ROI Region of Interest
RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol
SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
UVAP Ultinous Video Analysis Platform
WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux