Example Analysis Results
This document provides an example for the analysis results you can create with UVAP. You can check the syntax and contents of the resulting Kafka® topics even without installing a camera. Developers working on their own applications can start testing them on these topics, in parallel with setting up their own UVAP instance to produce similar results.
Two video streams were recorded and analyzed and the following results are provided:
- head detection
- 3D head pose
- age
- gender
- facial feature vectors
- people tracking
- pass detection
In addition, anonymization for one stream and skeleton key points for the other are also provided.
We have packed these results into two Docker images.
For the notations used in this document, see Typographic Conventions.
To have a Kafka instance and the UVAP Kafka topics in it, the following system requirements must be met:
- Operating system: Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS
- A unix account that can gain root privileges with
- Free disk space for Docker images: ~2.3 GiB
- Free disk space for Docker volumes: ~1 GiB
We use a containerized solution provided by Docker.
Install the following packages:
$ sudo apt install curl adduser software-properties-common jq
Add Docker source to the apt repositories
$ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | \ sudo apt-key add - $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] \ https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce
Add your unix user to the Docker unix group Replace
with your logged in user name:$ sudo adduser [USER] docker
Log out from the graphical environment (or TTY) and log in again to make the previous step take effect.
If you completed the Installation Guide, you should
already have access to the ultinous/kafka_demo
DockerHub repository and you
can skip this section to continue with the Starting Docker Containers.
Requesting Access to the DockerHub Repository
DockerHub access:
Create a Docker account on Docker Hub.
Attention! The password of the Docker account is stored on the computer in a plain-text format, so it is recommended to choose a strong auto-generated password that is not used anywhere else.
Log in to your Docker account
$ docker login
Send an email to support@ultinous.com with the following details:
- Subject of email:
UVAP - Requesting access to ultinous/kafka_demo DockerHub repository
- The DockerHub account ID, created previously
- Subject of email:
Starting Docker Containers
All the Docker images needed can be pulled from the Ultinous DockerHub repositories, so no extra Docker credentials are needed. Create and start the necessary Docker containers from these Docker images with the following shell commands:
Create a separate internal Docker network:
$ docker network create uvap
Create the Docker container with the data of Zookeeper:
$ docker create --name=zookeeper-data \ ultinous/kafka_demo:zookeeper_latest :
Start / restart a Zookeeper container:
$ docker rm -f zookeeper # Not necessary if not running $ docker run --net=uvap -d \ --name=zookeeper -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 \ --volumes-from zookeeper-data ultinous/cp-zookeeper:5.4.0
Increase the retention time of the topics (i.e. infinite):
$ for topic in $(docker exec zookeeper kafka-topics --list \ --zookeeper zookeeper:2181) ; do docker exec zookeeper \ kafka-configs --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --alter --entity-type \ topics --entity-name ${topic} --add-config \ retention.ms=-1 ; done
Create the Docker container with the data of Kafka:
$ docker create --name=kafka-data ultinous/kafka_demo:kafka_latest :
Start / restart a Kafka container:
$ docker rm -f kafka # Not necessary if not running $ docker run --net=uvap -d -p 9092:9092 --name=kafka \ --volumes-from kafka-data \ -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181 \ -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://kafka:9092 \ -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 \ -e KAFKA_LOG_SEGMENT_DELETE_DELAY_MS=1000 \ -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 \ ultinous/cp-kafka:5.4.0
Remove the data containers, since those are not necessary anymore:
$ docker rm zookeeper-data kafka-data
Check if the containers are still running:
$ docker container inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' kafka zookeeper
Expected output:
running running
Listing Analysis Result Topics
After the necessary Docker containers are created and started, the Kafka topics included in this example can be listed.
List Topics
$ docker exec kafka kafka-topics --list --zookeeper zookeeper:2181
Expected output:
List Messages from a Topic
Example of message listing:
$ docker exec kafka kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
--topic uvapdemo.cam.117.fvecs.FeatureVectorRecord.json \
Cleaning Up
When they are no longer needed, the Kafka topics can be removed with the following commands:
$ docker container inspect --format '{{json .Mounts}}' kafka zookeeper \
| jq --raw-output '.[].Name' > /tmp/kafka_volumes_list.txt
$ docker container stop kafka zookeeper
$ docker container rm kafka zookeeper
$ for volume in $(cat /tmp/kafka_volumes_list.txt); do docker volume \
rm ${volume}; done
$ rm /tmp/kafka_volumes_list.txt