Typographic Conventions
Code Blocs and Examples
Lines with monospace font starting with $
(dollar) signs are to be executed.
The $
(dollar) sign itself should not be copied into the terminal. For example:
$ docker container inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' uvap_kafka_reid
Lines starting with something$
and something#
are to be treated as
lines, only the folllowing part should be copied. For example:
<DOCKER># command-to-run
This means that the command should be run inside a Docker container.
Commands broken into multiple lines are denoted with a \
(backslash) at the
end of each line. All such lines must be copied together.
There will be no \
(backslash) at the end of the last line.
For example:
$ command-to-run argument1 argument2 \
argument3 argument4
UVAP Components
Bold font denotes UVAP microservices. For example:
Reidentification microservice processes feature vectors and finds reappearances.
Italics font denotes UVAP features. For example:
The Tracking feature is provided by the Tracker microservice.
Monospaced bold font
denotes Kafka Topics. For example:
Tracker microservice uses the
Kafka topic.