Configuration for UVAP Microservices.
Copyright (C) 2014,2018 Ultinous Inc.
// This proto describes the functional configuration of the building blocks of video analysis.
syntax = "proto3";
package ultinous.proto.kafka;
option java_package = "com.ultinous.proto.kafka";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "ultinous/proto/common/kafka_common.proto";
/** Configuration for kafka_tracker
message TrackingConfigRecord
/** Confidence threshold for filtering input ObjectDetectionRecords.
Records whose detection_confidence value is above this threshold will be kept.
range: [0..1); 0 means no filtering
default: 0
float detection_threshold = 1;
/** Maximum distance of track points in subsequent frames for track to be connected.
unit: bounding box width
range: (0..+inf)
default: 2
float distance_threshold = 2;
/** Maximum lifetime of a track without new detection.
unit: msec
range: (0..+inf)
default: 1000
uint32 time_passed_threshold = 3;
/** Smoothing parameter.
If high then track stealing is more unlikely, but track fracturing may occur more frequently.
If you experience track fracturing try a lower value, against track stealing try higher.
unit: unspecified
range: [0..+inf)
default: 0.2
float delta_time = 4;
/** On locations where the angle of the camera is shallow, it is often the case that people's heads are overlapping.
This could cause track stealing. To prevent this the system also tracks head sizes. A sudden change in head size will
disqualify the candidate from the continuation of the track.
enum SizeFilteringMeasurementType
NONE = 0;
AREA = 1;
/** Defines which size measurement will be used to compare bounding boxes.
default: NONE (size filtering is disabled by default)
SizeFilteringMeasurementType size_filtering_measurement_type = 5;
/** The following parameter sets the maximum size change allowed for bounding boxes in subsequent frames. It is
expressed as the ratio of bounding box sizes (smaller size divided by the larger size), where size is defined by
range: (0..1]
default: 1 (ie. disables size measurement filtering)
float size_change_threshold = 6;
/** Configuration for kafka_passdet
message PassDetConfigRecord
message PassLine
/** Identifier of the polygonal chain 'poly'
It can be anything that is unique within a PassDetConfigRecord.
string id = 1;
/** Polygonal chain (broken line)
Must consist of at least two points
The direction from the first point to the last one is important: it determines the passage direction in the result.
repeated Point poly = 2;
/** Lines through which passage will be detected.
Must contain at least one line.
Each detection event is associated with exactly one of these lines and the result record will contain its id.
repeated PassLine pass_lines = 1;
/** Configuration of a single area for detection filter
message DetectionArea
/** A (closed) polygon that a defines an area. Decisions are made depending
on which area(s) detection centroids are inside of.
Must contain at least three points, corresponding to polygon vertices
repeated Point vertices = 1;
/** Configuration for the detection filter microservice
This MS can filter ObjectDetectionRecords by any combination of
- detection type
- detection confidence
- location
A detection must pass each and every configured criteria to pass the filter itself.
message DetectionFilterConfigRecord
/** Minimum confidence of detection for passing the filter
Compared to the 'detection_confidence' value of ObjectDetectionRecord.
range: [0..1); 0 means no confidence based filtering
default: 0
float min_confidence = 1;
/** Set of allowed detection types for passing the filter
Empty set means no detection type based filtering
repeated ObjectType detection_types = 2;
/** Areas of negative interest.
A detection is not going to pass if it is inside any of the negative areas.
Empty list means no negative area based filtering
repeated DetectionArea negative_areas = 3;
/** Areas of positive interest.
A detection passes if it is inside any of the positive areas.
Empty list means no postive area based filtering.
repeated DetectionArea positive_areas = 4;
Configuration of feature vector clustering algorithms.
Clustering is based on a similarity measure between feature vectors and clusters.
Currently supports trivial algorithms only where a single feature vector represents a cluster.
The representative feature vector can be the last one belonging to this cluster, or an average of all previous ones.
message FVClusteringConfig
/** Conditions for clusters to be realized.
Clusters are unrealized until either they contain num_samples observations or time_limit_ms is reached.
Once they are realized, the action specified by realized_cluster_action is performed.
The time until time_limit_ms is measured from the first observation belonging to the cluster, after the previous realization of the same cluster.
Registration events are generated for both realized and unrealized clusters.
message ClusterRealizationConfig
enum RealizedClusterAction
uint32 num_samples = 1;
int64 time_limit_ms = 2;
RealizedClusterAction realized_cluster_action = 3;
/** Configuration for Cluster Merging.
Merge attempts are triggered by the first input arriving after time_interval_ms since the last attempt.
Clusters that are more similar to each other than the current similarity threshold will be merged.
current_threshold = max(min_threshold, initial_threshold * threshold_discount_rate^num_inputs)
where num_inputs is the sum of the two potentially mergeable clusters.
Typical values:
initial_threshold can be the same as reg_threshold below;
min_threshold can be the lowest score to allow merging;
threshold_discount rate can be between 0.95 and 0.999, depending on how many observations we require before lowering the threshold to min_threshold.
message ClusterMergingConfig
float initial_threshold = 1;
float threshold_discount_rate = 2;
float min_threshold = 3;
int64 time_interval_ms = 4;
Type of clustering algorithm.
Has no effect on person streams, they always use USE_LAST.
enum ClusteringMethod
ClusteringMethod method = 1;
ClusterMergingConfig cluster_merging = 2;
ClusterRealizationConfig cluster_realization = 3;
bool save_internal_state = 4;
bool start_from_internal_state = 5;
Description of how to extract a specific field from a message.
The path to reach the field is denoted by a '.'-separated list of tokens:
- find the first token as a top-level field name
- find the next token as an embedded field in the previous field
- repeat until end of list; the last token is the required field name
Messages in which the specified field is not present will be ignored.
message FVFieldSelector
oneof fv_path
string feature_vector_path = 1;
string fv_cluster_path = 2;
/** Configuration for a registration-type input stream originating from a camera*/
message FVRegStreamConfig
float reg_threshold = 1;
/** Cluster memory window size [ms]. 0 means infinite.
Cluster delete events are triggered by the first input after the retention period expires.
The same period is used to look back to the previous inputs at startup when start_from_internal_state is false.
int64 cluster_retention_period_ms = 2;
Configuration for kafka_feature_vector_clustering.
Also applies to the registration part of the kafka_reid microservice below.
Inputs: Inputs are streams of feature vectors or clusters that may be extracted from
- video camera streams
- a previous feature vector clustering algorithm.
Inputs can be any record type that contains either a FeatureVector or a FVCluster field.
A new cluster is created when the input feature vector is less similar to any stored cluster than a threshold.
The most similar cluster (above the threshold) is modified by adding the new input feature vector.
New clusters and modifications are only emitted to the output topic when the cluster meets the requirements to be realized.
Outputs: FVClusterUpdateRecord, and optionally an undocumented internal state topic
message FVClusteringConfigRecord
/** Configuration for a single input stream */
message InputStreamConfig
string stream_id = 1;
FVFieldSelector fv_field_selector = 2;
FVRegStreamConfig reg_stream_config = 3;
FVClusteringConfig clustering_config = 1;
repeated InputStreamConfig input_stream_configs = 2;
Configuration for kafka_reid.
Inputs are streams of feature vectors or clusters that may be extracted from
- video camera streams, via feature vector extraction and optionally pre-clustering
- person databases containing images
Inputs can be any record type that contains either a FeatureVector or a FVCluster field.
Camera input streams can be used for registration, reidentification, or both.
Feature vectors are reidentified as an existing identity when they are similar enough to
a registered feature vector cluster.
Each stream that is used for registration will provide a top list of matches, the final result will be
the concatenation of these top lists.
Each top list has a maximum size configured for that reidentification stream (max_num_matches).
A top list can be shorter if there are not enough matches reaching the minimum required score (min_similarity).
The configuration for the clustering algorithm is the same as ClusteringConfig above.
Feature vectors from camera streams are registered, i.e. stored as a new identity (cluster) when they are dissimilar
to any other stored cluster.
Feature vectors from a person database are registered by their kafka message key,
which can be e.g. the name of the person.
Outputs: ReidRecord and optionally an undocumented internal state topic
message ReidConfigRecord
/** Configuration for a single reid-type input stream */
message FVReidStreamConfig
float min_similarity = 1;
uint32 max_num_matches = 2;
/** The type of each camera stream can be 'reg', 'reid', or both. */
message CameraStreamConfig
FVRegStreamConfig reg_stream_config = 1;
FVReidStreamConfig reid_stream_config = 2;
Configuration for a person input stream used to add/update/delete/activate/inactivate feature vector clusters.
Input message schema for this stream:
1. Empty payload: permanently delete cluster that has the same key as the input message key.
2. Message contains a non-null feature vector or cluster field (as specified in FVStreamConfig):
--> Add or update cluster with the same key as the key of the message.
ClusteringMethod has no effect on person streams; the representative feature vector is always replaced by the new observation.
--> Activate/inactivate cluster according to the value of the field at is_active_path
3. The feature vector/cluster field is NULL
--> Activate/inactivate cluster according to the value of the field at is_active_path
message PersonStreamConfig
string is_active_path = 1;
/** Cluster memory window size [ms]. 0 means infinite.
Cluster delete events are triggered by the first input after the retention period expired.
The same period is used to look back to the previous inputs at startup when start_from_internal_state is false.
int64 cluster_retention_period_ms = 2;
/** Configuration for a single input stream */
message InputStreamConfig
string stream_id = 1;
FVFieldSelector fv_field_selector = 2;
oneof stream_config
CameraStreamConfig camera_stream_config = 3;
PersonStreamConfig person_stream_config = 4;
FVClusteringConfig clustering_config = 1;
repeated InputStreamConfig input_stream_configs = 2;
/** Configuration for the Video Capture microservice
Video Capture service is for capturing video streams and files from both network and filesystems.
These streams are pushed into Kafka.
message VideoCaptureConfigRecord
message VCStreamConfig
string url = 1;
bool use_rtp_ntp_time = 2;
* When reading an RTSP stream the output's starting timestamp will be (approximately) the current time.
* When reading a file the output's timestamp will start from 0.
* To override this and set a specific start time set override_start_time to true.
bool override_start_time = 3;
int64 start_time = 4;
bool no_retry = 5;
repeated VCStreamConfig streams = 1;
* Configuration for Video Player microservice.
message VideoPlayerConfigRecord
message VideoPlayerTopic
string port = 1;
string topic = 2;
bool config = 3;
message VideoPlayerJoinPort
string port = 1;
string key = 2;
message VideoPlayerJoin
string name = 1;
repeated VideoPlayerJoinPort ports = 2;
message VideoPlayerStream
string id = 1;
repeated VideoPlayerTopic topics = 2;
repeated VideoPlayerJoin joins = 3;
repeated VideoPlayerStream streams = 1;