Practice Use Cases
Alerting System
Task Create a demo using people counting in a specific area. If there are more than one person in the area, give a visualized alert.
- Modify an existing demo script.
- The resolution of your camera is 1920x1080.
- The area is a rectangle, coordinates of top left corner: (200,200) and the bottom right corner: (1200, 900). Draw it on the screen with a white line.
- For the alert visualization use an 'Alert' image (
) and change the rectangle color to red.
See the S(h)elf
Task Create a demo using people counting to determine how many persons look directly into the camera (as if the camera was on a shelf on eye level).
- Modify an existing demo script.
- The resolution of your camera is 1920x1080.
- For the visualization write a number above the head of the person (how many direct looks have been detected yet including the new one).
High Five
Task Create a demo with detecting and visualizing the valid high fives on the screen.
- Modify an existing demo script.
- The resolution of your camera is 1920x1080.
- Valid high fives: 2 right hands, located above the shoulders.
- For the visualization create a border of the screen and change the color of it.